Our holistic approach at Own Balance

Every tree in the forest has the same goal, to reach toward the light. One tree's method is not better than another's.

Everybody has an individual body type, authentic characteristics and a unique personality; which enables us to grow towards our greatest potential. In Own Balance Yoga, we start with understanding how our body works and grow towards acceptance by surrendering to its current state.

For yoga practice, every asana is mastered by consciously balancing the body and the mind, avoiding the dominance on one another. Regular yoga practice is important to experience and feel growth. We recommend regular yoga practice during the presence of the teacher; classroom practices are the place to learn “how to” and make progress while home practices are important to keep fliexibility (both the mind and the body) and develop your discipline.

In Own Balance Yoga Studio, we incorporate asana, pranayama and meditation practices in the group lessons. We believe in gaining the holistic awareness of yoga as a lifestyle, enables each one of you to choose which area you like to focus on more; asana, pranayama or meditation in the particular phase of your life right now.

And we are there to guide you, walk with you or challenge you.

Get in contact

Who are we?



I am Deniz, teacher and owner of Own Balance Yoga Studio. Being a daily yoga practitioner since 2014, I have been introduced to Sri K. Patthabhi Jois' ashtanga method in 2017. In 2018 I got certified to teach Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. I am a daily ashtanga and yin yoga practitioner. My daily sadhana usually includes an asana practice followed by pranayama and silent meditation. In summer 2022, I got initiated to being a Reiki master. Currently I am studying pranayama and yoga philosophy with Eddie Stern and Robert Moses.


Namaste, yogis and soon-to-be yogis! I'm Pankhuri (or Fifi, if you prefer), new Hatha Yoga teacher from India, now living in Eindhoven for the past three years. You will experience a yoga journey that's less about twisting yourself into a pretzel and more about finding your inner peace. At Own Balance Yoga, I'm on a mission to show you that yoga isn't just fancy poses - it's a ticket to a life upgrade! I will offer you a judgment-free zone where you can wobble, giggle, and grow. Whether you're as flexible as a rubber band or as stiff as a board, there's a place for you on the mat. Remember, yoga is more than just physical postures; it's about uncovering balance, strength, and serenity in all aspects of life.

Get in contact with me

Got any questions? Feel free to call us, mail us or leave a message. We will make sure to get in contact with you as soon as possible.

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